UP Regional Blood Center – Escanaba
710 S. Lincoln Rd.
Suite 200
Escanaba, MI 49829
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Monday — Friday | 8 am – 4 pm
The UP Regional Blood Center is the sole provider of blood products to 13 hospitals across Michigan's Upper Peninsula. This blood supply allows healthcare providers to treat patients with a wide variety of conditions.
All blood donations stay in the Upper Peninsula, and a single donation could save up to 3 lives. To organize a blood drive or to make a blood donation appointment, please call the UP Regional Blood Center location nearest you, or toll-free at 1.800.491.4483 (GIVE).
Our Commitment to Quality
The UP Regional Blood Center is inspected and accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks. AABB standards set the level of professional proficiency for blood banks in the U.S. Also, the Blood Center is registered and licensed with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a blood establishment.
Blood banks like the UP Regional Blood Center that provide blood products for transfusion cannot offer rewards, such as cash, that could influence a donor to misrepresent his or her health history or risks for spreading infectious diseases like HIV or hepatitis. Prohibiting valuable incentives is one way the Food and Drug Administration and the blood banking community help ensure that the blood supply remains safe.
Our Mission
To continually improve the health, satisfaction, and well-being of the people of the Upper Peninsula.
Our Vision
To be the provider of blood products donated by U.P. volunteer donors to the residents and care providers in the U.P. To provide the highest quality, value, and reliability of products, services, and customer satisfaction with the most efficient use of resources, while continuing to improve our performance.
Stay Connected
Follow the UP Regional Blood Center page on Facebook to stay up-to-date with blood drive events and other news.