Pelvic Health
Physical therapy might be at the top of your mind after a broken leg or sore shoulder, but did you know physical therapy can also be a powerful tool in pelvic health? For patients facing uncomfortable, sometimes painful conditions like urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, or sexual dysfunction, physical therapy at UP Health System can help.
Focused Treatment For
Urinary Incontinence
Do you sometimes have a urine leak when you cough, laugh, exercise or sneeze? If so, you may have stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Stress urinary incontinence may occur when the structures that help hold urine in your bladder become weak. Scientific evidence has proven physical therapy is often the best remedy for SUI.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Do you have a feeling of pressure or fullness in your pelvis? Are you having problems with passing urine or bowel movements? It could be prolapse of a pelvic organ. Prolapse is when one or more of the organs inside the pelvis (found between the waist and thighs) slip from their normal positions. Modern physical therapy methodology may be the natural cure you’re looking for.
Lower-Back Pain
Suffering from regular lower back pain can be a sign of a bigger problem. Many of these issues are especially common for women after childbirth, of older age or who are overweight.
Pelvic Pain
Any discomfort of the pelvic region is a red flag for potentially bigger issues, and something that should be looked into.
Sexual Dysfunction
Discomfort during intimacy could indicate a larger health setback. Our pelvic health physical therapy team can help you work through many forms of discomfort.