Inpatient verse outpatient rehabilitation: What’s the difference?
Inpatient rehabilitation generally refers to physician and therapy services you receive during a stay in the Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit. Outpatient rehabilitation refers to services you receive when you are not admitted to a hospital. These services are provided when you reside at your home and not during a hospital stay.
What is a physiatrist?
A physiatrist is a doctor specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Physiatrists diagnose and treat conditions using rehabilitation techniques, medical management, and pharmacotherapy. They look at patients holistically to restore function, overcome physical limitations, and prevent impairment.
What will I do in rehabilitation?
What you do in rehabilitation depends on what you need to become independent. You may work to improve your independence in many areas including:
- self-care skills such as safe eating, grooming, bathing, toileting, and dressing
- mobility skills such as transferring, walking, or self-propelling a wheelchair
- communication skills in speech and language
- cognitive skills such as memory or problem-solving
- social skills for interacting with other people
Who benefits from Inpatient Rehabilitation?
To be eligible for inpatient rehabilitation at UPHS - Marquette a doctor must first diagnose you with a condition that requires the services of an acute inpatient rehabilitation program, such as daily rehabilitation nursing and physician care. Then to participate in inpatient rehabilitation you must be medically stable, have functional deficits that can be addressed through rehabilitation techniques, be able to tolerate and benefit from three hours of a combination of skilled therapies, and anticipate making progress toward functional goals within a reasonable time frame.
What types of insurance do you accept?
UPHS - Marquette accepts insurance coverage from most providers (some require prior authorization).
How much therapy will I receive each day?
Your therapy team specifically tailors a treatment plan for you. In general patients at UPHS - Marquette Inpatient Rehabilitation receive three hours of rehabilitation per day at least five days per week. In order to be prepared for discharge, you are expected to use the skills learned in therapy throughout the rest of your day.
How often will the doctor see me?
This depends on your individual circumstances but generally, our patients receive daily visits from the rehabilitation physician.
How does the staff know my individual rehabilitation goals?
Either prior to admission or at the time of admission, the institute staff talks with you and your family about rehabilitation goals and provides the necessary information to answer questions.
During your initial assessment and throughout your rehabilitation stay, you and your treatment team will discuss:
- Your goals
- Your progress toward reaching your goals
- Any barriers to achieving your goals
Can family members visit me during my stay?
Yes. We encourage family members and friends to visit.
During rehabilitation, you will work with a treatment team that will help you reach your rehabilitation goals. Along with you, your family members and friends are an important part of this team.
Throughout your rehab stay — and especially close to discharge — we invite your loved ones to participate in family training so they will be prepared to help you after you leave the hospital.
What if I need emergency or specialty medical care while I am at the facility?
Because Inpatient Rehabilitation is located within UPHS - Marquette’s hospital, our patients have access to top specialists in a variety of areas and medical services for routine matters and emergency situations.
To make a referral please fax to 502.212.8608 or contact a clinical liaison at 906.449.3806. If you do not receive a return call within 24 hours please contact the nursing desk at 906.449.3800.