Community Health Events
2025 Upcoming Community Health Events | UP Health System - Portage
Look for dates and more information to be added as the events get closer.
Building Habits & Setting Goals—January 29
Start 2024 off with the tools you need to be successful in building healthy habits and setting (and achieving) personal goals. Join us for a presentation on fitness, nutrition & fostering a healthy lifestyle. Register Now!
Track & Field Adaptive Clinic—February 22
The University of Michigan Adaptive Track & Field Team is leading a clinic and mini-track meet to help train and encourage individuals with disabilities to participate in competitive sports.
Great Bear Chase – March 8
Take part in this Swedetown Trail tradition by participating in one of the many ski races. Events include 50k Skiathlon, 50k freestyle or classic, 25k freestyle or classic and 10k freestyle or classic race. Visit for more information.
SiSu Shuffle – April 19
5k fun run/walk/jog/shuffle at UP Health System — Portage. This non-competitive event is free and encourages the whole community to get out and be active. To register, CLICK HERE.
ACES Day (All Children Exercising Simultaneously) – May 7
ACES day is an international celebration of health emphasizing physical activity among children. Join us by getting 30 minutes of activity throughout the day!
Canal Run – July 19
Choose from a half marathon, 10 mile walk or run, 5 mile walk or run or 2 mile fun run/walk in this longstanding community event that ends in downtown Hancock. Visit for details.
Camp 911 – August 12 & 13
An interactive day camp introduction to learn lifesaving emergency care, careers in the medical field (EMS, nursing or public safety), injury prevention and more.
Turkey Trot – November 27
5k fun run/walk/jog/shuffle at UP Health System — Portage. This non-competitive event is free and encourages the whole community to get out and be active. Register here!
Look for lunch & learns, blood drives, flu shot clinics, health presentations and more to be added throughout the year!
Contact us
For more information on upcoming events or specific event details, join our Community Health email list. Click here or the button below.
Community Health email list | Sign up
To suggest an event that you feel UP Health System - Portage should be participating in, please contact Angela Luskin at