UP Health System – Marquette Heroes | Susan Tincknell
March 7, 2025

What is your role at UPHS – Marquette?
I am the student program administrator for Michigan State University College of Human Medicine (MSU CHM) Upper Peninsula Region campus at UP Health System – Marquette (UPHS – Marquette).
What was your inspiration for getting into healthcare?
I was quite young when I started so I think at the time my inspiration was to help people using the skills I had. I really found my passion for healthcare at the Marquette Family Medicine Residency. I was inspired to help residents and medical students fulfill their dreams and help to make our programs successful.
What's a typical day like for you? What is it like working in this field?
I have the pleasure of working with our future healthcare providers. Each day is different and involves various aspects of student affairs for our 20-24 medical students. I do a lot of career advising, working with students to create a plan that will set them up for success in their specialty, talking with interested pre-med students about medical school and recruiting newly accepted medical students to train at the Upper Peninsula Campus here at UPHS for their third and fourth years of medical school. I find my role extremely rewarding and satisfying. It is very rewarding to play a small part in ensuring rural America has healthcare providers—especially the UP.
How long have you been employed here? Have you always been in the same position?
I began at UPHS – Marquette in 1990 at age 19 and held various roles during my first eight years, including unit clerk in the former Youth Substance Abuse Unit and secretary in Outpatient Substance Abuse and the Employee Assistance Program. I then spent the next 19 years as coordinator and program administrator of the Marquette Family Medicine Residency Program before transitioning to my current role working with medical students at the MSU CHM UP Campus. Altogether, I have spent more than 35 years within our health care system.
What are some of the big changes you've experienced in this position?
I have experienced major changes in curriculum for our medical students and the need for expansion of sites throughout the UP where our students train. Another big change was moving from the old hospital to the new. I had previously worked in the Wallace Administration Building.
What are some of your interests outside of work? What is your favorite gem?
I love to travel, play tennis, spend time with my family, do home improvement projects and interior decorating. Taking a ride along Lake Superior and around Presque Isle is a favorite for me.
What do you enjoy most about working at UPHS – Marquette?
Our medical students, our team, our preceptors that teach our learners and everyone throughout the hospital. It takes everyone working together to reach a common goal, and we do a good job of that here at UPHS.