UPHS – Marquette Heroes: Amy Racine
February 10, 2020

Throughout her life, Amy Racine, RN, BSN, has always been a source of comfort for those close to her. Whenever anyone in her family is facing a health issue, she is typically the first person they reach out to.
“I come from a large family, and everyone calls me for any kind of medical advice,” Amy said. “The comfort is just who I am.”
Her ability to put others at ease plays an integral part of the care for the imaging patients at UPHS – Marquette, and is just one of the many roles she has at UPHS.
What is your role with UPHS?
I primarily work in the Imaging Center with Dr. Henry, mammographers and ultrasound technicians. My main responsibility is calling people back and getting them in for mammograms in a timely fashion, easing their anxieties over a phone call, and if they proceed into a biopsy, I’m there with them throughout the entire biopsy.
A lot of my work is done over the phone and getting people in for their needed imaging studies. I’m also responsible for the entire radiology department, including MRI, CT, diagnostic, ultrasound and nuclear medicine. Prior to that, I was part of the interventional radiology team.
How did you get inspired to get into health care?
I graduated from high school and didn’t know what I wanted to do. My mother dropped out of nursing school to get married in the 50s, and she really encouraged me to maybe follow her dream. I got a push from her, and I’m glad that I did. I’m glad I went straight through and got my BSN right away. As a young person, I think after raising kids, it would be difficult going back to school. But I do encourage all new nurses coming through to get their advanced degrees because I’m a firm believer that it’s all possible.
What were your early experiences with UPHS?
Back then, they put us through a rigorous and intensive orientation for six weeks and prepared us to go on the floor and be nurses, and also prepared us for passing our boards.
I was so thrilled to get hired. I thought I died and went to heaven. I was so thrilled to have a job. I still have the original letter that was sent to me that I was hired.
What’s a typical day like for you?
We’ve been busy since the doors opened here because people want to come here and see our new facility, and we have 3D mammography here. So I try to get people in for a timely fashion and follow through if a biopsy is needed.
What is your approach to putting people’s minds at ease?
Being told that you have an abnormal mammogram, right away people tend to go to the realm of, ‘Oh my gosh, I have breast cancer,’ We do a lot of educating and let them know that they’re here and everything will be OK. And to remind them that our team is awesome here. Everybody is all on the same page to take care of our patients and get them through their biopsies
What are some of your interests outside of work?
Currently, I snowshoe several days a week. In the summertime, I do love to boat; I have a boat on Lake Michigamme and I just love hanging out with family and friends.
What is your favorite part about working at UPHS?
Everybody is so supportive and so helpful. As a team, we all work together. It’s like a work family.