UPHS Heroes | Bell – Audrey Deur, LPN
May 12, 2021
Audrey Deur, LPN
What is your current title and role at UPHS-Bell? I am an LPN in family medicine, working primarily with Dr. Hilary Metcalf in the Bell family medicine clinic.
How long have you been employed with us? Have you always been in the same position? I have been working in family practice since 1999 as a contingent, then in 2002 I started a steady assignment.
Tell us a little bit about your family. How have you balanced your career at UPHS-Bell and family? I went to LPN training when my youngest went to kindergarten, as I felt that being a mom at home was the most important job I could do. My very first position as an LPN was in OB at the old Bell Hospital. I am married to my husband Ted for almost 10 years. I have five grown children, and 14 grandchildren.
What has been the best part about working for UPHS-Bell? Being able to work in the local community, near my home, doing the work I was trained for.
What drew you to UPHS-Bell originally? And how has UPHS-Bell changed since? I originally felt that I wanted to be an LPN when I was a patient in OB after the birth of my second son. This was in the “new” OB unit 44 years ago! The nurses really seemed to like their job and since I was the recipient of their care and attention, I felt it would be a good career for me someday.
What advice do you have for prospective UPHS-Bell candidates? To come and see for yourself the benefits of working with well-trained people in a friendly atmosphere, close to your home .
What have you gained from working at UPHS-Bell? Many relationships that I value, both with co-workers and patients.
What is on your wish list after you retire from UPHS-Bell? I want to enjoy the summer, and visit each of my kids and grandchildren.
What is your proudest moment at UPHS-Bell? When I received the Mercy award in 2020, I felt that I was just doing what I was called to do, but I felt honored to accept it because the work here depends on all the employees doing their part. We are in this together.